
DidyouknowyoucantakevideosfromyourNexus7?Nexus7hasafront-facingcamerabutunfortunatelydoesnotcomewithadefaultvideocameraicon.,ThenewNexus7seesanupdatetoinclude5GHz802.11nsupport,whichisaverywelcomeaddition.There'sno802.11ac,understandablyforcostreasons.,VideoontheNexus7(2013)is1080p30at12Mbps,H.264Baselinewith1referenceframe,and96kbps48KHzsinglechannelAACaudio.I've ...,NEXUS7必裝建議、原生桌面...

Nexus 7 Video Camera Pro

Did you know you can take videos from your Nexus 7? Nexus 7 has a front-facing camera but unfortunately does not come with a default video camera icon.

WiFi, GPS & Camera - The Nexus 7 (2013) Review

The new Nexus 7 sees an update to include 5GHz 802.11n support, which is a very welcome addition. There's no 802.11ac, understandably for cost reasons.

Camera Quality - Nexus 7 (2013) - Mini Review

Video on the Nexus 7 (2013) is 1080p30 at 12 Mbps, H.264 Baseline with 1 reference frame, and 96 kbps 48 KHz single channel AAC audio. I've ...

NEXUS 7 必裝建議、原生桌面選轉、相機

NEXUS 7 必裝建議、原生桌面選轉、相機 ... 大家拿到這台之後必定發現APP軟體是可以選轉畫面的可是「原生桌面」卻無法選轉、永遠是直立那桌面選轉有何好處呢 ...

Where is the camera on a Nexus 7?

The camera on a Nexus 7 is on the display side, making it pretty much useless for anything but selfies or video chat. And the quality is ...

Nexus 7 2013 update : rNexus7

I have a Nexus 7, the 2013 model with camera, that i want to revive (it sat in a drawer the last couple of years) and use it for surveillance.

Best camera app for Nexus 7 : rNexus7

So what is the best app for replacing google camera? I know that most people like it but I would like to have more options when I'm taking…

How To Get The Camera App On The Nexus 7

Article: If you have a Nexus 7, you probably noticed that there is no app shortcut for ...

Nexus 7 (2013 edice): Camera demo (1080p)

Nexus 7 (2013 edice): Camera demo (1080p). 759 views · 11 years ago ...more. 36.8K. Subscribe.

[VIDEO] Google Nexus 7 - Camera Test & Review

Having used it for some video chat, this camera is barely even suitable for that. Unusable indoors under low light conditions. Sent from my ...